Holistic, Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy
brings healing to you from the inside out.

If you’re curious about the therapeutic process, let’s break it down in three simple parts:
The Parts, The Process, and the Path.

The Parts

Below you’ll find common struggles that bring folks like you and me into therapy. We think language is really important so notice that these are parts of you, not the whole of you. One of the biggest hindrances to living our fullest lives is the belief that we’re alone in being the only one who’s going through what we are. If anything, we hope this list gets the message across loud and clear: you are not alone.

  • Anxiety / Depression

  • Sexual Abuse / Trauma

  • Trauma

  • Self-Worth / Insecurities

  • Self-Harm

  • Body Shame

  • Chronic Illness

  • Eating Disorders

  • Attachment Issues

  • Relationship Issues

  • Family Conflict

  • Friendship Concerns

  • Intimacy Issues

  • Loneliness

  • Codependency

  • Infertility and Loss

  • Sexuality

  • Postpartum Issues

  • Religious Trauma

  • Grief and Loss

  • Stress Management

Being human means you’ve experienced things not going according to plan. This can create lots of pain and heartbreak. What caused the pain, how long its been there, who was involved, and how you handle it is unique to your story. It’s from these places of pain that many of your parts are formed. Oftentimes these parts can show up as distinct sensations in your body such as chronic stomach aches, jaw pain, or pressure in your chest. Through trauma-informed, somatically based therapy, we will spend time caring for these parts so you can feel safe in your body and in your relationships.

You want to start and you’re also nervous…

You may be having conflicting feelings about beginning therapy or trying again if you had a less than ideal experience with therapy the first few times around. Here are common things I hear early on from clients:

  • ”Talking to someone feels so relieving - but it’s so scary”

  • “I want to change. But I really don’t want to change because I’m afraid to change.”

  • ”I know I need some help and I don’t want to need help.”

  • ”There are things I know I need to talk about but I’d rather never, ever speak about them.”

  • ”I believe I can feel better than I do right now and I’m terrified I never will”

  • “I’m frustrated I have to start over but this feels different and gets me feeling a little more hopeful.”

Here’s your friendly reminder from licensed therapists that this ambivalence is all really, really normal! If you resonate with any of these, you’re in a prime spot to begin your therapeutic journey.

The Process

You and your therapist at Fig will establish a weekly rhythm where we come together to explore all parts of your story: the harm, hope, heartbreak, joy, and pain. Some weeks may feel like a refreshing rush and others may be a bit heavier for you, but rest assured this is all part of a wonderful and gracious healing process of experiencing how good it is to truly be fully yourself.

One of the most foundational parts of our work together is that we move slowly. This is at the heart of trauma-informed care. A great definition of trauma is anything that was experienced by you as “too much, too fast, and too fast.” This often results in a loss of connection to yourself, your body, and to others. In your therapy, we will bring more time and space to moments where things feel “just right and just enough” to help you restore a sense of safety in your world.

We also use an attachment based lens meaning that we notice how you show up in the therapeutic relationship. A common theme is being afraid that your therapist is judging you for what you’re sharing. We create a lot of space for this conversation and also look at connections to your past where maybe you were harshly judged or shamed by caregivers when you were struggling or having a hard time. Getting to have these important dialogues and learning what it feels like to be in safe and secure relationships is some of the most rewarding work of therapy.

We’ve seen people discover more of themselves time and time again and fully believe the same is possible for you. At Fig Holistic Psychotherapy, our hope for you is to live an authentic life of being fully yourself with more ease, safety and vibrance than ever before.

So when we tell you feeling better is possible, we don’t mean that life magically gets easier. What we do mean is that life gets much more manageable when you have the tools you need to live it fully. You get to show up and have your yes mean yes and your no mean no and that alone is something worth celebrating. We hope you’ll reach out today to get started.


The Path

Because your story is unique, your therapy will be too. At Fig Therapy, we use a holistic and trauma-informed approach that integrates the fullness of who you are by incorporating the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual parts of you. We also pay attention to the cultural, societal, and systemic issues at play such as gender, sexuality, race, class, and economic status as these all can have huge implications around how you experience yourself, your relationships, and the world.

  • Wondering, “So what IS psychotherapy?” Here’s a simple explanation. We all developed ways of being and relating that kept us safe and attached when we were younger. You may find yourself feeling stuck, frustrated, and repeating the same old patterns. Depth psychotherapy allows us to look at the hidden and unconscious blocks that are informing how you show up in the world. We spend time turning towards those parts to care for them and tend to them so you can live from a place of integration and wholeness.

    If you’re ready to find more support here, reach out to our Charleston, SC counselors to get care today!

  • When trauma goes undealt with, it lives in your body and often shows up as chronic tension, panic attacks, hypervigilance, or easily losing focus and becoming distracted just to name a few common experiences. Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body based therapy that cares for the body and the nervous system first. The beauty of this modality is that it’s seeded in a deep belief that the capacity to heal is your birthright. Your mind actually gets to take a break and instead you get to focus on your body’s sensations that allow for healing. If you can imagine trauma as the experiences that get “stuck” inside of your body, SE is a way to gently release that stuck trauma and experience more resiliency and range within your own nervous system.

    If you sense your body is holding onto the effects of trauma or you’re getting stuck in the same patterns like shutting down, fighting and getting agitated, or freezing, Somatic Experiencing could be really helpful for you. Sessions are available for folks who reside in South Carolina or Texas and are available on a virtual basis. Reach out to set up a phone consult with Blake Blankenbecler, LPC, a somatic therapist today!

  • EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It’s an evidence based trauma therapy that has been proven to help you find relief from your most distressing and traumatic memories. The beginning phases include helping you learn how to regulate your nervous system and find safety in the present moment. During EMDR, we’re able to revisit these memories and help your brain to process and heal naturally from them.

    The beauty of EMDR is that it can be done both in person and virtually. If you’re interested in finally getting relief from the impacts of trauma, Blake Blankenbecler, an EMDR therapist can help. Available for folks who reside in South Carolina and Texas, get in touch here to set up a free phone consult to see if EMDR therapy is right for you!

  • Who doesn’t want more time to play in their life? It’s not uncommon to hear, “I don’t have the words for what happened” in the therapy room. This is where sand tray play therapy comes in. This modality helps us explore the different parts of you, develop language and meaning around them, and invites you to create newer and kinder ways of relating to those parts.

    Play therapy is helpful for anxiety, depression, grief and trauma. If you’re curious to learn more and you live in South Carolina or Texas, reach out to us to schedule a phone consult to talk more about doing therapy together.

Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need for yourself.

Rupi Kaur


The next step to getting yourself care is to set up a free 20 minute consultation. We will talk about what’s bringing you in, go over the process of psychotherapy, the commitment, fees, scheduling and you can ask any additional questions you may have. Looking forward to connecting soon!

In person sessions available in Charleston, SC
Virtual sessions available for all folks living in South Carolina or Texas.

Paying for Therapy

It’s no secret that therapy is expensive. It’s an investment in you, your growth, and your healing. Plus, if you’re someone who traditionally undervalues yourself, it might feel really uncomfortable to make this kind of investment every week. If you’ve been on the fence around starting therapy, get curious if the cost is literally too expensive or if you’re not willing to spend that much money on yourself. Money is so important to talk about and if we allow space for curiosity, it gets to serve as a great metaphor for what might be going on in your life.

How much does therapy cost?

Sessions range from $160-$180 based on therapist.

Do you take insurance?

We do not take insurance. You can pay for therapy through your HSA account or our therapists will gladly provide you with a superbill at the end of every month for your insurance company. You’d want to talk with your insurance provider to see if they reimburse for out-of-network coverage. You’re still responsible for paying at the end of every session and then communicating with your provider about reimbursements.

What if I am not able to afford the cost of weekly therapy?

Feel free to reach out and mention that you’re looking for low-fee providers and we are happy to provide you with a few suggestions of highly trusted practitioners that would fit with your budget.